Foundation Block is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering youth to avoid acts of violence or criminal behavior.

Foundation Block introduces, promotes, and educates young people about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills. We aim to reduce youth violence rates and enhance career preparedness through lifestyle activities, events, and awareness campaigns. Our four pillars of focus encompass Health, Wealth, Family, and Community.
Foundation Block was ignited out of concern and frustration from watching the cycle of youth violence that has plagued our communities. Homicide is the leading cause of death for Black youth.* Youth violence is considered a public health problem* – THIS IS PREVENTABLE.
Our organization started because we couldn’t ignore the need to act. We’re responding with determination and aspiration.
Our innovative programs allow us to increase our impact on youth culture.

RANK is a debate competition to develop critical thinking skills to benefit young people’s life journey. Youth participate by ranking for awards and prizes. Our initiative engages young people and the community through the following:
Teams – Community Influencers will lead a group of 3 to rank during the competition. Each player is promoted across social media and other media to highlight their skills while demonstrating the possibility of change.

OFF THE CUFF is an improv exercise helping young people develop self-awareness to ignite stronger emotional intelligence. Our initiative is engages young people through the following:
Assembly – Middle and High school students will witness their peers participate in activities.
Social Media – Challenges will be promoted to encourage young people to participate with their friends and share the experience.

STREETCODE is a computer coding game challenging young people to apply quick-paced critical thinking. Our initiative interacts with youth through the following:
Competition – Teams compete to score the most points and earn prizes. Individual players are asked to solve problems surrounding their community.
Join us today in our mission to combat youth violence, and together, we’ll build a stronger, more resilient community where every young person has the opportunity to thrive.
All Contributions are Tax-Exempt
HWFC – Trucker Cap
$24.50OYG – Cuffed Beanie
$23.95FOUNDATION BLOCK 501.c3 EIN 92-3035758
Mailing Address
30 N Gould Road Ste R
Sheridan, WY 82801
p. 562-523-1841